Curry -vs- Pie

So the left-overs battle continued during the Christmas/New year break.  We had friends over for dinner, and I could not for the life of me decide whether to do a Turkey & Ham Thai green curry, or a traditional “left-overs” pie.  I do love some pastry post Christmas.  Well, I decided that the battle could not be won by either dish so we created a Turkey-Ham Thai Green Curry Pie!

To make this with left-overs you have to be careful not to re-heat the meat too many times, so I decided to fry up 2 onions in a tablespoon of oil, to which I added a whole jar of Thai Green Curry paste.  This was fried off for about 5 minutes on a medium heat.  Then, I added 3 cans (500ml) of Coconut Cream.  I have found when cooking a Thai green curry, the coconut cream (90p per can) makes a slightly sweeter and creamier tasting curry.  You need to cook the cream through until it thickens slightly which will take about 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, chop up your leftover Turkey and Ham and place into a pie dish.  Pour the sauce over the meat, then cover with puff pastry.  For this dish, I used a lattice top, just layers of pastry over the dish, but you could over the pie in pastry.

Place in a pre-heated oven (Gas Mark 6 or 200c) and cook for 45 minutes.  The pastry will be crispy golden, and check that the meat is piping hot.  Serve with Potatoes and Cabbage!